ALAFNA - Latin American Association of Nuclear Physics and Applications
In Spanish: Asociación Latino Americana de Física Nuclear y Aplicaciones, in Portuguese: Associação Latino-Americana de Físic
In Spanish: Asociación Latino Americana de Física Nuclear y Aplicaciones, in Portuguese: Associação Latino-Americana de Físic
ALAFNA is a regional association of professionals in nuclear science and its applications, who belong to Latin American countries and participate in ALAFNA according to the rules below. ALAFNA was formed in 2009 on the occasion of the VIII Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications that took place in Santiago, Chile.
Associate professor at the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo. Experimental nuclear physicist who works in the area of nuclear structure
with gamma-ray spectroscopy and also in radiation effects in electronic systems.
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Guest Researcher at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and at the TRIUMF Nuclear Physics Laboratory in
Canada. Coordinator of the innovation, transfer of knowledge and entrepreneurship program from
Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Associate Professor Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Independent Researcher of Conicet, Director of the group Relativistic Quantum Theories
and Gravitation of the Institute of Physics of Rosario, Coordinator of the Nuclear Physics Division of the Argentine Physics Association, Research in Theoretical Nuclear Physics: Microscopic nuclear
Associate Professor Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Independent Researcher of Conicet, Director of the group Relativistic Quantum Theories
and Gravitation of the Institute of Physics of Rosario, Coordinator of the Nuclear Physics Division of the Argentine Physics Association, Research in Theoretical Nuclear Physics: Microscopic nuclear
structure of rare nuclei and microscopic calculation of alpha half-life time.
proceedings published in NUCLEUS, Vol. 64,65,66
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